Did you know our body is made of up approximately 60% of water? Water is very essential for our body to function optimally. You will be surprised to know that 90% of our lungs are water, 83% of our blood is water, 80% of our brain is water, 75% of the muscles are also water, even skin the largest sensory organ of our body is 64% water, and even our bones are 30% water.
As humans, we need food and water for our survival. But One may survive without food for a few weeks but cannot survive without water even for a few days.
Water is probably the most important essential nutrient that a person needs.
As we can see how important the consumption of water is, given below are " 7 AMAZING WAYS HOW WATER BENEFITS THE HUMAN BODY ". Which will make you drink a glass of water by the end.
As humans, we need food and water for our survival. But One may survive without food for a few weeks but cannot survive without water even for a few days.
As we can see how important the consumption of water is, given below are " 7 AMAZING WAYS HOW WATER BENEFITS THE HUMAN BODY ". Which will make you drink a glass of water by the end.
1. So, the very first benefit is water maximizes our body's physical performance. Important macro-nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats that are used for energy are all transported by fluids in the body. Also, it helps to remove the waste products which are produced during the physical activities. Dehydration of as low as 2.5% loss of body weight in the form of water can experience a 45% loss in the performance.
2. Our joints need hydration as well. Water keeps our joints lubricated and flexible.
Synovial fluid that lubricates our joints is primarily made up of water. If synovial fluid reduces it results in the friction between joint structures which leads to further degenerative changes.
3. Many of us are concerned with obesity! Well, water also does a remarkable job in weight-loss. See how!
Drinking plenty of water helps in weight loss by acting as an appetite suppressant. It also helps our body to prevent retaining water and leading us to lose extra pounds of water weight. Managing your cravings can be as simple as drinking more water.
Additionally, multiple pieces of research have proven that drinking a cool glass of water will increase your metabolism by 24-30% for up to 90 minutes.
4. Water is the easiest and best beauty treatments one can do.
Skin is the largest organ of our body and 64% of it is made up of water. Dehydration may result in dry, tight, and flaky skin which ages quickly. Drinking plenty of water hydrates skin cells and plumps them up which results in flawless young skin. By consuming the right amount of water in a day, it will make our skin healthy and enhance our beauty.
There are many benefits staying hydrated it prevents pimples, wrinkles, improves complexion, reduces puffiness of eyes, cleans the acne marks, slows down skin aging, tightens the skin, maintains pH balance, increases the elasticity of the skin and much more.
5. Whenever we burn our calories through any physical work or exercise the heat is generated inside the body. The water in muscle cells exchanges heat with the water in the blood, and as the hypothalamus senses the increase of heat in the blood it activates the sweat glands.
As it starts sweating evaporating cooling occurs because the faster-moving water molecules escape as vapor leaving behind slower-moving cooler molecules. And the breeze increases the effect.
6. Water keeps the intestines smooth and flexible and helps food move along through the intestines.
Dehydration may even lead to constipation. Food has a long way through our digestive system. If the consumption of water is less than what our body needs then, large intestine soaks water from the food which leads to the hardening of stools.
7. Water carries waste materials and removes them through urination, breathing, and sweating. Our cells undergo a lot of processes continuously and in this process waste products are generated in the form of urea and carbon dioxide which can cause harm if it gets mixed with blood.
Our kidney use water to get rid of waste products, it has unique filtering capabilities and totally depends upon water in order to work properly. The kidneys take in around 20% of the body's blood each time the heart beats and filters it and remove waste from the blood and eliminates it from the body through urine. If the kidneys doesn't get the proper amount of water which they need to perform its basic functions then we may have the ill-effects on our health.
And, it gives all the benefits at 0 calories.!!
Now go on have a glass of water.!
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